Research and Analysis

MediaMonitoring.BG © performs a number of marketing, media, political, market and other kinds of research and analyses based on the company’s technological capabilities to collect comprehensive data from opinions already expressed by Bulgarian users in the public Internet space (including social networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram / * beta! / and YouTube.) – the so-called Opinion Mining Approach.

According to a survey of the National Statistical Institute – NSI, for 2016, nearly two-thirds of households in Bulgaria, or over 58% of the country’s total population, have access to the Internet and use it actively every day or at least once a week. Over 95% of online users are active in social networking sites, and 81.4% read online newspapers and magazines, including their respective comment sections. These data explain the relatively high levels of consumer activity in our country as regards the volume of published statements and personal opinion sharing in the public Internet space, as well as their indicativeness on specific issues.

The large volumes published by online users gives us ample opportunity to isolate trends with a wide range of applications for B2C-based companies, for companies offering professional marketing and PR services, for political movements, for institutions with enhanced media coverage, and for a number of other organisations whose operations are directly influenced by citizens’ views of certain aspects of their activities.

MediaMonitoring.BG © technology allows not only quantitative but also real-time analysis of a number of parameters, including time distribution, sentiment, estimated reach / * beta! /, contextual connectivity, author and many others, as well as cross sections across more than one metric. Immediately upon indexing each post that is relevant to the particular subject under study, it is analysed by qualified professionals through a well-organized and time-optimized process without the use of automated analysis. This allows us to perform high-quality research, not only in retrospect but also in real time, thus adding substantial value to the process of making urgent strategic decisions.

A major advantage of the Opinion Mining approach to existing alternatives is the passive data mining without the need for performing surveys. This approach allows for the effective avoidance of sampling, while replacing it with the completeness and thoroughness of the data. Another advantage is the possibility of deep penetration into the researched topic and breaking it into components by flexible structuring of the extracted data according to a number of parameters as per your specific requirements. Thus, according to the specific needs of each client, we can provide a transparent and detailed picture of the dynamics that shape a trend in society.

Based on the Opinion Mining approach, MediaMonitoring.BG © conducts a number of studies and analyses, including:
Marketing research
Market research, incl. analysis of the perception of brands and products
Benchmark analyses
Media research
Sociological and political studies and analyses
Exploring the effectiveness of PR campaigns
Exploring opinion and studying the behavior of Bulgarians
Evaluating new concepts, such as program elements, advertising, and more
Studying attitudes and behavior of the media audience
Analysis of the activity of certain authors, media and media groups

Please contact us for inquiries regarding our services and prices.
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